Friday, July 18, 2014

{Cake Smash} Happy First Birthday!

To celebrate O's first birthday, his mama baked him a cake and let him have at it and I was the lucky one to get to photograph it all. He wasn't quite sure what to think at first, but quickly got the hang of smearing frosting and getting his sugary fingers into his mouth. I've seriously never laughed so hard while taking pictures - he made the cutest expressions but the best was when he picked up the entire cake...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

{Family} M&J and Bailey, too

I had the pleasure of spending an evening with this gorgeous couple and their adorable puppy, Bailey in their Capital Hill neighborhood. They're about to celebrate their first wedding anniversary and their labradoodle's first birthday and it was a joy to photograph the three of them. And seriously, could Bailey be any cuter?